Dr. Nsenga Joseph

Nsenga Joseph

Primary Specialty

Obstetrician and Gynaecologist


Insurance plans are subject to change. View insurance plans accepted at each hospital and by each BWH physician group.


Every Friday and Saturday


Bethany Women’s Hospital

Plot 16 Chorey Cresent Road Luzira
Phone:   +256 200903746
Email:      [email protected]


Practice Focus Areas

  • Obstetrics
  • Gynaecology
  • Fertility

Ratings and Reviews

Patient ratings and comments are posted for physicians who see patients in the outpatient setting and have received at least 30 patient experience surveys. A physician will not have ratings or comments available until the minimum number of surveys are received from patients. Physicians will also not be included if their hospital, practice, or department is not yet participating in this initiative