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How can I know that I have Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR)?

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DOR may not show any obvious signs/ symptoms especially if the process has just set in. However, the following may be the clue to DOR;

  1. Irregular/ unpre dictable periods. Your periods may delay or sometimes the periods may come earlier than expected causing your menstrual cycles to become longer or shorter than usual.
  2. Missing periods. If you miss your periods for two or more consecutive months DOR could be the cause.
  3. Feeling of hot flashes and dry skin may be attributed to DOR
  4. Reduced Vaginal secretions especially around the mid cycle and/or during sexual intercourse may be caused by DOR.
  5. Reduced sexual desired, arousal and painful sex could be caused by DOR.6. You may stop feeling ovulation signs like mid-cycle pain, raised body temperatures etc if you have DOR.
  6. Recurrent miscarriages may also be caused by DOR.
  7. Failure to conceive (infertility) could be a result of DOR9. Repeated IVF/IUI failure may be caused by DOR10. Reduced Ovarian hormones (E2, Progesterone, AMH) are often results of DOR.
  8. Reduced egg count (antral follicular count- AFC) on vaginal ultrasound may indicate under lying DOR.


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