“After getting married, baby seems to be a must,” says Jerry not real name. So much to look to and do. Conception delayed but this did not bother her at all. She was confident that her body would eagerly hold a baby since she had had a child before. However, six years later with no pregnancy got her concerned.
“I shared with a friend who introduced me to Bethany Women and Family Hospital. My husband and I visited Dr Andabati Gonzaga the Fertility specialist.”
Jerry’s IVF journey
After a number of tests, the diagnosis showed that she had blocked Fallopian tubes, a case that is treatable medically. “The medical team’s humility and patience gave me more confidence and trust in the treatment process. The specialist took us through the treatment procedure options that my husband and I thoughtfully considered. We in the end settled for IVF an option we felt was ideal for us. Soon after we started the treatment I was able to conceive.” she explains.
Sadly, she miscarried but she remained resilient. “We did not give up. We instead tried again and miraculously the baby made it safe through to delivery.”
Advice to other couples
Jerry was ready to try anything that would help her through this IVF treatment process and extra health measures were not exceptional. “A relaxed mind plus taking good care of your body will give you more chances to a successful IVF; detoxifying, exercising and a positive attitude helped me through this journey.”
She adds that if you want proper healthcare, you have to visit the right doctors.
Courage requires that you do not give up your hope and desire when it is dark. Jerry goes on to express that she has witnessed the power of faith through the friends she referred to Bethany Women and Family Hospital. “Some of them succeed head on and for the others it took more than one try just like me. In fact, for one of my friends it took seven tries before she could conceive and birth a baby.”
She shares that IVF requires faith and emphasizes that trusting in God and seeing the right doctors will make a huge difference. However, she warns about paying attention to external people who can be the extended family and friends that can put you under pressure without being aware of your fertility journey.”
Besides the miscarriage, the first three months of my second pregnancy were not smooth. “I suffered an uncontrollable blood pressure but I came through very well as doctor Andabati worked hand in hand with other specialists to keep the pressure under control.”
Baby and me
Jerry is a mother of a beautiful little boy now. “My baby is very healthy and well. We give the glory to the almighty God. Thank you Bethany team.”
By Rose